Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What is a "Blood Libel"?

As early as Saturday afternoon, we started hearing it. Media members and even members of Congress pointing fingers at people. Listen, if there is blame to be assigned in any tragedy, I will be happy to point it out. I don't see however, how the actions of a 22 year old man with no political ties at all can be blamed on Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, or even Sharon Angle as I read today. The answer is, it can't. The liberals, with no proof, are simply trying to use this tragedy to silence the opposition. They are scared of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and the entire Tea Party movement. Why? Because they are making an impact. They are informing the country of exactly what the liberals are doing, and what their obvious intent is. So, they need legislation like 'The Fairness Doctrine' in order to silence the conservative crowd. It is absolutly horrible to use this tragedy to push a piece of crap legislation, but you watch, that's what they're going to try and do. Probably in the Senate first. So, let's get this straight, a moderate democrat Congresswoman was the target of an attack, by a domestic terrorist, just calling a spade a spade here. He may have been mentally deranged, but still tried to accomplish his agenda through violence. Then, somehow, that terrorist attack becomes the fault of conservative public figures? How does that work?

Here is how that works. The liberals don't have to play by "the rules". They believe they can bend the rules to fit their needs. They have no respect for any authority. This is why they hate the fact that the Constitution was read on the floor of the House of Representatives. The Constitution and the Bible have something in common when it comes to liberals. They are antique documents written by people who were not as smart as they are. The Constitution also is symbolic that there are rules that they must abide by. So would they thing twice about passing 'the Fairness Doctrine' which is a clear violation of our 1st ammendment rights? No. Would they think twice about passing a healthcare bill with a mandate attached to it clearly violating the Article 1 limits to federal power? No. So, when something like this happens, it is no big deal for them to go ahead and pass judgement with zero proof. Make accusations with zero proof because the ends justify the means.

Conservatives don't play that way. I wouldn't want to start now either. Could 9/11 have been caused by the fact that Clinton weakened the ability for government law enforcement agency's to communicate with each other. It could have. How about the USS Cole, that could have been because of the liberals weakening of our military and the increasingly stringent rules of engagement. But we don't pass blame unless we have proof. That comes from a respect of our rules and our laws. A respect of our law enforcement to do the investigative job and find out what the "cause" was.

So, to answer the question in the title, a "Blood Libel" is when blame is assigned for a mass murder, or some other tragedy. I have no problem with that, find the cause, and fix it, or leave it alone. However, to pass blame before any proof is collected, Sheriff (and I use that term loosely) Dupnik, is just plain wrong and unprofessional.

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