Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lunch 12/14/2010

Ok, I'm sitting in a sandwich shop on base. Some civilians are sitting in the booth next to me talking rather loudly. One was a liberal talking about how President Obama got "hosed" by the Republicans on this "tax cut" deal. He goes on and on about how it adds 4 trillion to the defecit, and other liberal talking points. I just sit there and chuckle to myself. Then his buddy chimes in and tells him how the only thing adding to the deficit is the unemployment extension, and the tax cut isn't even a tax cut at all, it just leaves the rates as they currently are. To this, the liberal then begins to call his friend stupid and talk about how he can't believe he is sitting there with someone so "uneducated". As I was getting up to clean my table, I hear him say, "It's too bad that the intelligent ones (the liberals) are in the minority". I can't do it anymore, I don't normally chime in on other peoples conversations, but I had to. I walked past the table and said "I could help but overhear your conversation" I said to the liberal, "I just to need inform you sir, you really don't sound as intelligent as you make yourself out to be. Also, your friend here sounds a lot smarter then you." His jaw dropped, his friend laughed loudly, and he shook his head and said "let me guess, you're a Republican?" "No" I said, "I'm a Conservative". I left, and the two men carried on their conversation. But then I realized, that is what the liberals think of us. We are uneducated buffoons, and they are the only ones with the intellect to "save" us from ourselves. Well, my liberal friends, thanks but no thanks.

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