Tuesday, May 8, 2012

History Has a Tendency to Repeat Itself

If you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it. However, that may be a good thing this time around. In 1980, America has a high unemployment rate, high inflation, the U.S. dollar had been devalued, problems with Iran, and two oil shortages helped to prove the liberal ideas of Jimmy Carter and the Democrats don’t work. In November of 1980, the American people woke up and elected Ronald Reagan President of the United States. As everyone should know, “The Reagan Revolution” ushered in a new era of prosperity and American exceptionalism. Really, about the only good things that happened from 1976 – 1980 was the release of the original Star Wars and Rocky movies. In 1980, America woke up and elected a great leader to show our strength around the world, raise our economy to its rightful place as number one in the world.

So, not knowing our history hurt us in 2008, we elected Jimmy Carter all over again. But we have a chance here to elect the next Ronald Reagan, someone to lead us into another era of prosperity and American exceptionalism. Here is my question though, is that person an appeasing moderate? I don’t think so. That person is a Conservative, a candidate who will follow the Constitution to the letter, and not “reach across the aisle” to negotiate with the people who have been known to push through unconstitutional laws without even reading them. It’s time for a President and a Congress who doesn’t want to work with the people who want to redistribute wealth, cause higher inflation, spend our grandchildren into oblivion, and bow to foreign dictators. Ultimately, our Reagan isn’t Romney, it’s Cain, Bachmann, or Santorum. One of the staunch Conservatives on that stage debating. Let’s be realistic a second here. A blind turtle could have beaten Carter in 1980. The Republican Party chose Reagan because he was the best man for the job. I believe in 2012, a blind turtle could beat Obama. So let’s take this opportunity and take the best person possible for the job. It’s not about who can beat Obama, cause they all could. It’s about who is the best person to bring back our pride in America and bring back that respect demanded from other countries.

In 2008, I prayed history would not repeat itself, it did. Now, in 2012, I pray history does repeat itself.

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