Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Health Care "Right"

There is a lot of talk going on about health care right now. In fact, on Sunday, March 21, 2010, what has been dubbed as Obamacare passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 219-212. There are a couple things I am going to touch on about this.

1. Is health care a "right"?
2. Is Obamacare constitutional?
3. What can everyday Americans do to repeal it?

The answer to number 1 is undoubtably NO. No where in the Bill of Rights, or anywhere in the Constitution does it say anything about the right to health care. So, the next question you may ask is "Glenn, 38 million people in America don't have health insurance. 10 thousand people die every day because they don't have health insurance. How can you say it's not a right? People are dying" (the last sentance is said with a bleeding heart tear in their eye). Here are a couple stats for you. The number is not 38 Million as stated by the Obama administration. Once you take out illegal immigrants and people under the age of 26 who are still invincible and just don't want health insurance the actual number is 12 million. Now, i agree with the bleeding hearts that 12 million is still too high. So, how do we cover those additional 12 million you might ask? Very simple, There are two main things that make your premiums go up, and make health insurance unaffordable for some. The first thing is frivelous lawsuits against doctors. The trial lawyers have gotten so good at milking doctors for all they're worth that malpractice insurance has gone through the roof. It is higher then hurricane insurance in Florida. If you install simple tort reform, and cap the money recieved on a malpractice lawsuit at something a little more manageable, it would go a long way to bringing down insurance costs. the second thing is insurance companies can only compete for business within one state. They are not allowed (regulated by he federal government) to compete with companies nation wide. What do you think would happen if you opened it up so that all insurance companies could compete nationwide? Right, insurance premiums would go down.My personal beleif (I have no proof to back this up cause it's never been tried) is that the price reduction from these two things alone would make health insurance affordable enough that all 12 million would be able to get insured.

The answer to number 2 is undoubtably NO. Obamacare is highly unconstitutional for a miriad of reasons. I'll touch on a couple real fast. Obamacare contains a mandate that everyone will have health insurance or pay a fine. This marks the first piece of legislation in the history of the country that tells the people they HAVE TO buy something. Sound like something the founding fathers would have liked?I don't think so, in fact, I know so. It violates the interstate commerce clause. Also, the Tenth Ammendment of the Constitution tells all about states rights. in my oppinion, this is the ammendment mainly being violated here, here is a link for you to check it out for yourself http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/Constitution/amendment10/ .

Ok, let's move on to number 3. What can you as everyday Americans do to repeal this terror of a law? There are two main things. Number one is what number one always is, VOTE!!!! Be like ACORN and vote often. Just kidding, you only get one vote, so use it wisely. find the most conservative candidate you can find and vote for them. This will not immediately repeal the law, but it will go a long way into showing that we mean business. The second thing, if you have the money, is to sue the Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebellius under a violation of the tenth amendament. The more cases before the Supreme Court, the better our chances of getting fast tracked.

Well, I hope all of this helped to explain everything to my small group of readers. I'm sure there are still some libs out there who think I am a racist, bigot, homophobe conservative nimrod, and to them I say think whatever you need to think about me or conservatives like me. While you are thinking these things, I am thinking about nothing but love for my country and my fellow countrymen, yes lib, that means you.

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