I am afraid our children will look at their history books and ask us what we did to stop the spread of socialism in America. We’ll tell them stories about how we used to be able to buy 32oz soda’s, and people could say whatever they wanted without fear of government reprisal. Our children will ask us if we always had to wait 3 months for a routine doctor’s appointment. We’ll say “no, it used to be fairly fast”. They’ll ask us what happened, and we’ll have to say that we Christians and Conservatives didn’t do enough to stop it.
America is a place of ultimate freedom; our founders thought it was important to instill freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press in the first Amendment to our Constitution. Why? Because they knew that those would be the first thing a potential group of dictators would go after. With freedom of speech, religion and the press, you are always assured a free nation. If someone comes along and wants to say not allow a restaurant in a city, freedom of speech allows us to speak against that person. If someone comes along and wants to force every business to pay for contraceptive services, well, freedom of religion comes along and says “nope, that’s a no no for us”. When a leader comes along and wants to infringe upon the rights of a person or a group of people, freedom of press comes along and lets the entire nation know what is going on. In today’s America, all three are under assault, no not by leftists on Twitter and Facebook, but by actual elected leaders of this Constitutional Republic we so know and love. For example, when a CEO of a company takes a stance against gay marriage, elected officials from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia (so far) have all banded together in attempt to stifle this CEO’s First Amendment right to free speech. Here is just one article that highlighted that stifling: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/chicago-alderman-says-hell-block-chick-fil-a-expansion-in-northwest-part-of-the-city/2012/07/25/gJQAnPIt9W_story.html . Search the news, you’ll find out about Boston’s mayor saying he will block Chik Fil A in Boston, the mayor of San Fran said the same, and Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia said he will be putting together a letter of condemnation for the words of Dan Cathy of Chik fil A. I know our leftist friends think this is just dandy for elected officials to do, but I ask them this, would it be ok for a Christian mayor to block Target from opening any stores in their city? Would it be ok for a Conservative to not allow Nabisco to ship any of their products into or through their city? Oh please, enlighten me on how that’s different. Next I want to talk about the freedom of religion that is under attack. In their new health care law dubbed “Obamacare”, the liberals have mandated that every business must provide contraceptives to their employees. Wow, what a great thing, huh liberals? Now you don’t have to pay to be irresponsible. There is a slight problem with that though, there are Catholic businesses out there, and there are Catholics who own businesses. According to Catholic teachings, contraception is not ok. So now, the Government of the United States of America has infringed upon the religious rights of millions of Americans. All of this is going on right under our noses because our press has become corrupted by the very people they were created to keep in check. One side has the press in their back pockets, while the other side attempts to make that same press like them. So, nothing of any importance ever gets reported to the American people. Then, when a news organization does emerge, that attempts to take on the status quo, they are mocked and belittled constantly by our President and other elected officials. Here is your proof on that claim, I normally don’t site Brietbart or other “Conservative” media in my blog because I don’t want liberals to say my sources are biased, but I literally cannot find a story on this anywhere else in the media, which kind of proves my point. The President insults an entire group of people and no major media outlet even reports it: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/07/14/If-You-Watch-Fox-News-Obama-Says-You-re-Stubborn .
So, as you can see, our First Amendment freedoms, and probably our most important freedoms are under attack as of the moment I write this blog. There is no negotiation with this, there is only defeating it. Any Republican who would negotiate with these people need to be voted out in the primary. If you know me, you know I believe strongly that words mean things, so it is with that in mind I say take this election seriously, it may be the most important election of our lifetime.
This next paragraph is for my Christian friends. If you are not a Christian, feel free to read on, but understand that I am speaking to Christians here. In the wake of this Chik fil A incident, I have heard and read a lot of things from Christians about How we need to accept people, and let them be who they are, because the gay community sees us as intolerant and bigoted. First of all, I don’t quite understand this argument. When have we been in the business of shaping our image so more people like us? By no means am I saying that we should start having a gaydar set up at every church entrance, and kick people out at the door. But I am saying if someone has a problem with pornography, we don’t get them a subscription to Hustler. We support them through their problem, but we don’t support ways to exacerbate it. Also Christians, we need to understand that liberalism is diametrically opposed to Christianity. There is no way to be both. Besides the fact that liberals support the murder of millions upon millions of God’s creations in the name of women’s health, there is no way for a Christian to call themself both a Christian and a Liberal. For example, God tells us that he gave us free will, our freedoms to be what we are come from God. Liberals believe our freedoms are given to us from government. In giving us that free will, god also told us to give to the needy and feed the hungry. We should absolutely be doing that, but of our own free will not at the will of the government, can you imagine the look on God’s face when you get there and say you gave to the needy because you supported legislation to ensure the government takes money from the rich and gave it to the poor? I have to think he would be rather upset, and tell you that is not true charity. When Israel got its first king, it wasn’t because it was what God wanted; God wanted his people to rule themselves under His commandments. But the people wanted to be like the other nations and have a king, so God gave them one. The Israelites were placed in bondage and slavery to governments as a punishment, so I can’t imagine God would want us to voluntarily place bonds on ourselves. Listen, I don’t claim to be a Bible scholar, I don’t even claim to be a great Christian, but I’m afraid if we don’t get our act together and start fighting liberalism inside our own churches, we will only have ourselves to blame. The last thing I have read is that we should trust that God has a plan, and I absolutely think that is accurate, but I do not think that is a reason to stand by while our nation destroys itself from the inside out. Did you ever think that maybe God placed us on this earth and gave us his word, and called it a sword was so that we could be armed to fight for what is right? Maybe, just maybe, we are God’s plan, and we need to stand up and preach from the pulpits that the way our country is headed is wrong, and we love you, and we will help you, but we will not stand by and watch while you attempt to tear down one of the main tenants of Christian life, the traditional family.
Ok, again, those who know me know that I don’t mince words. I would appreciate your feedback on this one, and feel free to not mince words, I can take it. Thanks for reading.
Glenn, I have read through your blog, you could not have been more precise in all you have mentioned. It is sad that we as americans and especially christian americans have let ourselves be doped in the name of tolerance. God's word stands firm on what we should be and do in this country/world. Now is the time to get up, fight for the rights that God has given us, and take back our country before it is too late.